HNZ Code of Ethics
A professional Hypnotherapist must conduct business in a responsible and respectable manner.
A professional Hypnotherapist must recognise and uphold an obligation to the well-being of the client at all times.
A professional Hypnotherapist must always practice techniques and procedures in accordance with appropriate training and experience.
A professional Hypnotherapist will ensure his/her own professional development by undertaking regular on-going training.
A professional Hypnotherapist will ensure his/her own professional development by undertaking regular on-going training,
A professional Hypnotherapist must maintain safe and hygienic premises on practice.
A professional Hypnotherapist will not offer any guarantee as to the effectiveness or outcome of any treatment.
A professional hypnotherapist will always keep a client's personal detail private, unless required to divulge that information by law, or when any person may be at risk in any way.
Jennifer Beck is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist for Hypnosis NZ and Professional Member and certified member ICBH International Clinical Board of Hypnotherapy.